What a delightful, thoughtful, inspiring post, Shelly!

Beautiful poem ~ the line "allow life & books to gestate like elephants" caught my eye.

So much wisdom in the prose that follows your beautiful poetic voice. 💕🙏 🪶

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Thank you, Veronika, for your kind words and for finding this post in my archives. You’ve given me the gift of time travel today to revisit my own words and inner author’s wisdom.

Brainwaves perhaps because the note you reposted the other day about “being pregnant with book” is how I felt when writing The Courage Way for longer than I first estimated it would take.

There’s a new song out by Iron & Wine called “All in Good Time” that. Keeps popping into my awareness. Here’s to trusting in our soul’s timing and slow times! https://youtu.be/vI8z6A15wTA?si=VEbdGOQo-LA7JAji

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Thank you for the gift of all these wonderful words, Shelly! I love your poem and the way you convey the oh-so-human struggle to find balance between/among so many things, but especially being and doing, and I very much appreciate your reminder to recognize and stay connected to our true work. I'm so, so glad you're in the world sharing your words and the words of others!!

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Thank YOU, Emily. As a poet, you know the magic of what happens when words pour out. Thanks for reading and the affirmations. Thanks for all YOUR words you share! :)

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What a wonderful read, Shelly! I'd not heard of that phrase before, that "we write what we need to learn." I really feel it though!

And those new publications sounds like my kind of books! Looking forward to them.

With warm appreciation,


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Thanks so much, Will. I've heard "we teach what we need to learn" before so my inner writer liked the new version. I always appreciate learning from YOUR writings! :)

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Thank you :)

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Shelly, Thank you! Beautiful indeed. To hear it in your voice truly spoke to me in ways that was so giving. You bring to life what it means to be human and live each day through all the experiences and be intentional and mindful to keep things that matter and fill us always as our focus. Your gift will continue to give. Deep gratitude dear friend 🙏🏽💕

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